I decided that since my kids had a half day, and my mom was in town, I would take the kids and try to get some cute pictures for Christmas cards. Last year I totally neglected to send out any at all, so this year I am working on it early. It was also nice because then my mom did not have to wait to get her pictures in the mail, but could take them home with her when she goes. The one at the top is the one I got for cards. Then the individual of the baby and the other one are just for my wall at home.
The pictures turned out really awesome and the photographer was great as well as the girl who showed me the pictures afterward. She kept my kids busy with coloring, and let me play on the computer to look at them over and over again to decide. It was great! I would totally recommend the Kiddie Kandids in Babies R Us at Ray Rd. Plus, while you wait for your pictures to print, you can shop, which is nice. Anyway, let me know what you think? The scans were a bit dark when I scanned . . . but I think you can see the most important people in them for the most part *smiles*
Very very cute!