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I don't have one but . . .

I came across this article today and thought it might be of interest to some of you, so I thought I would post it here:
Tell me what you think about this? Do you think Provo Craft was in the wrong? Do you think they should have done this? I wanna hear all the goods and bads.


wow what an interesting story! Judging from what I read in the article sounds to me like Provo Craft was in the wrong - but who really knows. :) tfs
Jenny Mick said…
Hmmmm...very interesting. From the angle of that story, I would have to say that Provo Craft was in the wrong but I don't know if it can be considered anything more than just "normal business dealings". What I mean doesn't sound like PC was completely honest with anyone, but in todays world and marketplace it doesn't really seem like that matters...all that matters is to be #1 and make money. I have a feeling there's maybe more to the story then is being reported in the story. Sorry this got long, just my 2 cents.
Jenny (jfstamps on SCS)
Lisa said…
In Canada, I just saw the cricut at Zellers. But it was the same price or more than what i paid at the LSS. Michaels didn't seem to be able to get any stock and they were selling them for 469.00. EEK!
Our Walmart does not carry them or any supplies for them.
I do think it is wrong to tell one person one thing and do another.
I say if the guy wants to boycott let him. He is free to do so. But unfortuately it is the customer who get's it in the end.
By either not paying a fair price or having to wait a long time for a product.
That's my 2 cent's.....Canadian. :)
Anonymous said…
I think PC is a big company and can stick it to whoever they want to. It's hard this day and age for the small companies to do well when these large chains can discount so largely. To allow the chains to discount without penalty, yet penalize those small companies (if that is what they did) is implorable! I own a small company and there is no way we can compete with the big really stinks. So, me personally, I understand how those smaller scrapbook stores feel. I would rather be loyal to my small scrapbook stores than save a buck. I also know, by owning a small business, that sometimes wholesalers discount their products more to large companies because they can afford to buy more in bulk, plus they have warehouses to store large quantities of merchandise. Where the small independant stores, who have less resources, have to pay the bigger prices because they can't afford to buy in bulk, plus, they don't have the space to store that much volume. My final words - SHAME ON YOU PROVO CRAFT - YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF!
Anonymous said…
I feel Provo Craft is WRONG! They got greedy and allowed Walmart to discount the price based on volume. BUT, they price-fixed all the local scrapbook stores and smaller companies and cut off their supply if they didn't follow the price rules. Aren't there anti-trust laws to prevent this???

Anne Marie said…
I want to know how true this story actually is. Every Michael's coupon or JoAnn's for that matter specifically says it cannot be used to purchase Cricut or Cricut accessories. I have never see the product at Wal-Mart or Target which are both mentioned in the article. So who is really telling the truth? The cheapest I have seen the Cricut was at Robert's Craft (which is Provo Craft) for $169. So then if they appeared on ebay it is no surprise that is what ebay is for. You find a great deal sell it on ebay and try and make some money, fulfilling your own American dream right. I just want to know who is telling this truth because this article did not match up with my personal experience.
Stampin_Melissa said…
I read about this on a website for a company that was reprimanded by PC. On their website (this company, I can't remember their name) they showed the letter from PC as well as their response. The article you linked to is pretty much in line with what info I read before. So my opinion is that PC caved to the large retailers (since they sent product to them before the promised product was sent to the smaller companies) and allowed them to sell for less than than PC's minimum price. Bad Provo Craft! :(