Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2008-09-22 15:21:52 UTC
I counted down 47 comments (ones containing the answers) and that makes Charlotte the winner of this fabulous candy! Please be sure to click on Charlottes blog and go see what she has been up to!
Charlotte said...
Charlotte, please use the link on the side to send me an email and let me know where I should send your prize!
Thanks for visiting and for your support everyone! I truly appreciate it. More blog candy coming soon . . . check back soon . . .
Thanks for visiting and for your support everyone! I truly appreciate it. More blog candy coming soon . . . check back soon . . .
1. Elyssa Tanenbaum
2. Prism Paper - I love the Nautical Blues!
3. "But I Need It"
Great blog candy. Good luck to everyone!