Phew! I finally took some time to stamp today. Limited time, but time none the less. I am working on crocheting a blanket for my sister in law and I have to have it done by Friday, so I have been working furiously on that. M will be away this weekend at the blessing of her daughter and so he will be taking the gift to her (which is way cheaper than mailing it), so that is why it must be done. I promise to upload a photo or two of the finished blanket. I also made her a paint can (my first ever full size one) and I will post that as well soon. It is cute!
Todays card was inspired by the sun. When I think of sunshine, I think of playing on the 4th of July and I decided it is not that far away, so I would make a card for the 4th. I used the Hearts and Stars set by Autumn Leaves in the Rhonna Farrer collection (it has been awhile since I pulled that out). The colors are brilliant blue, real red and white (I know, very shocking). I got the idea for the sentiment tag from a card I saw in Jody's gallery -- I really liked how it looked, so I totally copied that idea. The little charm was something I picked up at Hobby Lobby for 5o cents I think. I think it worked well. All the little tiny stars are sequins, I had them lying around -- no idea where they came from or why I bought them (hate that). Anyway, I attached them with a little bit of crystal effects. I like how they make it shine! Ribbon was from Walmart. I got it on clearance about a month ago from last July 4th -- hehehe! Fun sketch!!! It was fun for me to doodle on it too. I suck at doodling, so any practice is good. Thanks for stopping by *waves* Off to blockbuster for us and back to crocheting that blanket . . .