There was not a spare second for stamping today. I had to do tons and tons of laundry and I am finally caught up on it for the time being. But now, of course, the kids want to go play in the park and really, who am I to deny that -- it is a gorgeous sunny day and they have been really good all day. So off to the park, but before I go . . .
I feel like I am being inkspired by everything lately . . . I got the new pottery barn kids catalog and it has some awesome ideas in it . . . and the other day I was watching an advil commercial and I fell in love with the colors they used on that . . .

ETA: Blog winners -- sorry I have slacked so badly! I am working on stuff for you -- but also other stuff that I need to do has jumped up so I will get you some packages out this week . . . if it kills me!!!