If you frequent my blog, you know I love Grey's Anatomy and that there would almost certainly be a comment on last Thursdays show, but I am going to dedicate this whole post to the show because it needs to be.
WOW! (Or as Mer says at the end Holy . . . )
Mer just cannot be dead. She can't! I am so frustrated about this.
At the end of the episode I sat there laughing. Laughing you say? Yep! My hubby thought I was nuts but I was laughing because Shonda knows the fans loved Denny and Dylanso much, she found a way to write them back into the show . . . she's a genius! But at what cost? Mer cannot be dead!
In the first two minutes of the show, the scene in the water -- the music is timed perfectly to the video -- Mer says "Theres more I have to say, so much more . . . but, I disappeared" and the music says "I feel better . . . I feel better." Made me so sad and almost made me cry.
The little girl . . . I was so glad when she was reunited with her mom at the hospital. It gave me hope some how. It made me think maybe, just maybe Mer will be okay . . . maybe. Her acting in this show was wonderful. She helped make it all so dramatic. AWESOME!
I love the way this show was shot. I love all the shots of Mer in the water before the commercial breaks and I love that the fade is to white "Greys Anatomy" title screens. So dramatic and cool.
Bizarre when "happy dr girl" offers Alex a hug. It was weird. Almost like she was hitting on him. She is so weird. I don't know what to think about that. I love how Addison is so hard on Alex. I also like how she talks about the interns to Dr. Burke . . . its cool. My fave part of this whole episode, besides the Denny/Dylan cameo -- is that Addison is fighting for Mer too! It gives me warm fuzzies for some reason.
I like George and Alex in the morgue. I love how George has to turn the dead person because they put them in the bag wrong. Love Bailey and how she is brutally honest to George. George and Callie -- what a complicated relationship they have. I really like them together though.
Was anyone else grossed out by Izzie drilling the holes in the dudes head? I had to look away and my kids were still awake so M had to run them out of the room. EW! I love how she dealt with the friend though. I think someone may have found her specialty *smiles* Ya think, Izzie the neurosurgeon? Oooh, and love how Izzie brags it up to Cristina about herself drilling the holes. Totally fun! She is a rockstar! Izzie really proved her strength during this episode.
Poor Cristina . . . that is her person in there *pouts*
So I am worried about who is going to die. Someone surely is. They can't make everything end all happy and pretty! I don't know if I can wait the few remaining hours to watch this show . . .
Oh, and for all you writers blog nerds, I never post comments on the Grey's Writers blog (link in sidebar), but I did in response to this episode:
You just can't kill Mer. You just can't. I have talked this over with my Grey's stalking friends and we all agree it would make us want to boycott the show. You just can't kill her *insert begging and whining here*I just love how this episode was shot. I love all the mystery -- the long pauses, before commercial breaks, everything. Very well done.
You JUST CANNOT KILL MER!!!! *crying now* Pretty please with Denny, Dylan, McDreamy, and McSteamy on top -- Please don't kill her!
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