I am by far the biggest slacker ever. I want to send out Christmas cards to all my friends and family, but they are SO time consuming and repetitious, I just don't know if I can make it through. A couple nights ago I worked on a set of 12 cards. They had lots of paper piercing involved and I actually gave myself a blister on my thumb. Then today when I was working on cards to go in the box I showed you a long time ago -- to send to my DDSS, I realized that I was totally out of cranberry crisp paper, or rather I misplaced it because I am pretty sure I did not use that much . . . but then again, maybe I did? Who knows? I have so many projects on the go on my desk (see photos on the side --note the great leaning tower of books, magazines, stamps and crap pile), it is a disaster and even though I am getting stuff done, slowly, it seems that it never ends. I haven't even finished my shopping for Christmas yet, and nevermind all the cards. Oh, and did I mention not only do I not have my tree up yet, but, I do not even have a tree purchased *sigh* I am so overwhelmed. I love the holidays -- so relaxing and special . . . *insert sarcastic smile here*
Anyway, I wanted to let you know that we have made it to over 200 subscribers to this blog and the day I posted the tutorial for the christmas balls, would you believe that I had over 2000 page loads that day! WOW! I am so flattered. I appreciate you all for coming and playing with me and leaving your love. I promise promise to try to get that star book tutorial up really soon. Well, before christmas at least . . .
I am also going to work on making myself a cooler banner. I do have limited photoshop knowledge so I am going to see what I can come up with. Wish me luck!
Sorry I totally missed "What's For Dinner Wednesday" yesterday. And, wanna hear what I ate for dinner? Harry and David Malt Balls and clementine oranges. Surely that is the best recipe you all have ever heard for dinner??? I'll make sure to post a quick and easy recipe next week *smiles*
As far as decorating, Christmas will happen whether you decorate or not.....maybe just put out your favourite things!
And, dont' forget to REST!!! Your body is still adjusting....
I visit your sight daily and have missed your postings this month. I hope all is going well and take care. I see this has been a stressful time for you.
Yes, I've mailed out my Chrismtas cards and people have already received them. ;-) I made most of my cards months in advance this year, just for something different.
I hear ya about the blister thing. I have used this rubber finger thing they uise in offices for sorting paper. Works great.