Time seriously flies by too fast. It seems like only yesterday that we were *worried* about Y2K and such and now here we are headed into 2007. I am so excited because as my kids grow - they are becoming more and more interesting and fun. I am also excited because new years always make me feel more motivated to be a better person and to make something out of myself. I have had the goal to be published for a long time, but I have been letting the "no" responses get me down, and I have been letting myself slack off and forget about my goals, but this year, I want to make myself a better person and accomplish some of my goals. I am tired of my bad attitude and my big butt and I am going to work on them both. And, I am going to work on submitting to one design call a month, whether that be with SU or whomever. I want you all to hold me to it each month -- check in with me and make sure I am behaving. M decided he wanted to play video games for a bit, and no doubt that is how...