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Thank Goodness It's Friday!!!

I TOTALLY need a weekend. *Sigh* But alas, this weekend will be filled with stressful stuff like signing a contract to buy a new house and doing laundry and cleaning up a bit because we are having some guests over, and preparing a yummy dessert for said guests.

So last night we had bunches of fun! We went to a parents meeting for E's soccer league (our first time playing ever) and they were asking for a parent to volunteer as coach or else they would just have to refund our money -- well, M volunteered so that E could play, so he is now a coach of 3,4, and 5 year old boys and girls soccer. LOL! It is too funny to watch them. They all lack skills so much and are so emotional and such. Should be a fun six weeks. I promise to post some action shots at a later date.

I meant to stamp last night but after soccer and dinner out, I fell right asleep. So I got up early and stamped a bit. Here are the results from yesterday afternoon and early this morning:

FS16 -- This layout was inkspired by a card done by Kristin D (KED on SCS). She is also a blogger (Confessions of a Naptime Stamper). I just absolutely loved her layout so I copied some elements of it.

E picked out this house mouse stamp last time we were at Hobby Lobby. It is super cute. The background paper was just light and happy so I decided to use it and match the cupcake to it. The Happy Birthday sentiment is by Hero Arts and was small. Yep, that is totally the reason I bought it.

FS 17 -- This next card is one that someone so kindly stamped some images for me and I had them sitting around. Well with so many SU sets retiring, I decided to go through my unused images and start using them all up. I thought this paper worked perfectly with the DCWV textured white core card stock, and this layout was inkspired by Tosha (stamps4funinCA on SCS), who was mostly recently the featured stamper. I fell in love with her layout and encompassed some of my favorite elements in this card. I don't know how well you can see it, but I was excited to use my liquid applique on this chicken to make him all fluffy. The rest of him is watercolored using ink pads and an aquapainter. Oh, and I did DTP on the red card stock in timber brown -- usually don't do that technique, but I think it works here just fine!!!

Okay, so this one I kind of failed on. I made this for the limited supplies challenge (LSC 119) and while I did not use a large SU background stamp, I did *accidentally* and because it really needed it -- use itty bitty backgrounds. So, I failed on the challenge, but the card turned out pretty so I thought I would post it anyway, and I will try again later on. Sentiment is by Penny Black. Roses are from Watercolor Minis (SU) and the idea for this layout came from a little cardmaking club thing magazine that I got in the mail. It, of course, had used patterned paper, but I thought that the stamping worked just as well. I am actually pretty sad that Watercolor Minis is retiring. I actually really like it. I love how it looks cut out, and love all the sponging on this card. Not sure why, but it all just works.

Okay, off to be a mom and get some stuff done. I will probably post one more later, because I am determined to get that challenge right. Hope you are having a good Friday so far!!!


Anonymous said…
These are all fabulous, Manda!
gorgeous cards! i love the best of cluck set and can't believe its being retired!
Alhambra Club said…
What great cards, think the chicken one is my favorite.
Heidi said…
These are all great cards! I really like the liquid applique on the the chicken! Really makes him pop!
Lisa said…
These are all fabulous. You have got it going on!

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