Welcome Miss M to the world. Born today at 1:04 pm. Weighing in at 8 lbs even. 20 inches long. She has the most hair of any of my babies so far . . . dark brown. She also has really long fingers and toes.
Induction went smoothly but slowly - her heart rate was normal so they figured she was just not quite positioned right. Baby was out in only a few pushes. The cord was wrapped around her neck when she came out, but she quickly pinked up and looked good. She is a quiet baby. She took to feeding well. We're so excited to have this new member of the family!!!
The pediatrician said that based on the fact that she was full term and that we both are doing so well, we might be able to go home as early as tomorrow afternoon which would be AWESOME since I miss my cute kiddies already and I know how excited they are to meet their new sister!
Must go feed the princess now and put in my order for dinner! Hope you are having a great day and thanks for taking a moment to share in our joy!
Must go feed the princess now and put in my order for dinner! Hope you are having a great day and thanks for taking a moment to share in our joy!
First Bath
Cute Pictures With Mommy & Daddy
Inky Smiles!