I finally managed to be a good mommy and get my kids signed up for swim lessons this summer. They will do three months of 8 classes each, and thus complete three swimming categories. (Tadpole, Shrimp and Duck) I am excited for them to learn to swim.

Here the children learn about jumping in. E is chosen first and jumps in okay, but hates that she was dunked under water. J is chosen third and has no hesitation jumping in even though he knows he will go under water. It was cute. BTW, the little boy about a meter back is in fact in their class, just a little nervous! lol! (Ignore my poor sons sunburn -- he got that this weekend playing in the sprinklers. I did not think they would be out that long - *bad mommy*)

Right after J jumped in. He recovered okay and liked making a splash!
Making big splashes with their legs, they played red light, green light.