Hello friends, It's been awhile and I kind of dropped off the face of the planet since moving to Oregon. I got busy with growing four babies into teens, and attempting to hold together a marriage with a partner who was working out of town for the most part. It was a lot! Truth be told, I have been spending most of my time over on Instagram which allows for more quick picture and caption posts (@the.amanda.sewell), but I really, genuinely miss having a journal of our adventures, so I'm back. Some changes, my ex-partner moved out in October of 2023 (after 23 years of marriage, who would have thought?) and I am on a new, single mom adventure with the fabulous four. Luckily, they are adjusting to the changes well as we navigate this challenging time as a family team. Things are still in flux and hopefully at the end of all of this, the dust will settle and we will end up landing on our feet. Because of this change, I needed to go back to work and after not working for the past lo...
Sometimes life gets super busy when you are a mom of four, with driving kids where they need to be, to organizing and cleaning and sorting out our life, but I managed to make some time to slip away with Dahlia for a bit and see some gorgeous flowers. It is one of the things I LOVE about living here in Oregon, that and the berries 😋