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"Drowning on Dry Land"


If you frequent my blog, you know I love Grey's Anatomy and that there would almost certainly be a comment on last Thursdays show, but I am going to dedicate this whole post to the show because it needs to be.

(If you haven't seen the episode, this is your official STOP READING SPOILER WARNING)

WOW! (Or as Mer says at the end Holy . . . )

Mer just cannot be dead. She can't! I am so frustrated about this.

At the end of the episode I sat there laughing. Laughing you say? Yep! My hubby thought I was nuts but I was laughing because Shonda knows the fans loved Denny and Dylanso much, she found a way to write them back into the show . . . she's a genius! But at what cost? Mer cannot be dead!

In the first two minutes of the show, the scene in the water -- the music is timed perfectly to the video -- Mer says "Theres more I have to say, so much more . . . but, I disappeared" and the music says "I feel better . . . I feel better." Made me so sad and almost made me cry.

The little girl . . . I was so glad when she was reunited with her mom at the hospital. It gave me hope some how. It made me think maybe, just maybe Mer will be okay . . . maybe. Her acting in this show was wonderful. She helped make it all so dramatic. AWESOME!

I love the way this show was shot. I love all the shots of Mer in the water before the commercial breaks and I love that the fade is to white "Greys Anatomy" title screens. So dramatic and cool.

Bizarre when "happy dr girl" offers Alex a hug. It was weird. Almost like she was hitting on him. She is so weird. I don't know what to think about that. I love how Addison is so hard on Alex. I also like how she talks about the interns to Dr. Burke . . . its cool. My fave part of this whole episode, besides the Denny/Dylan cameo -- is that Addison is fighting for Mer too! It gives me warm fuzzies for some reason.

I like George and Alex in the morgue. I love how George has to turn the dead person because they put them in the bag wrong. Love Bailey and how she is brutally honest to George. George and Callie -- what a complicated relationship they have. I really like them together though.

Was anyone else grossed out by Izzie drilling the holes in the dudes head? I had to look away and my kids were still awake so M had to run them out of the room. EW! I love how she dealt with the friend though. I think someone may have found her specialty *smiles* Ya think, Izzie the neurosurgeon? Oooh, and love how Izzie brags it up to Cristina about herself drilling the holes. Totally fun! She is a rockstar! Izzie really proved her strength during this episode.

Poor Cristina . . . that is her person in there *pouts*

So I am worried about who is going to die. Someone surely is. They can't make everything end all happy and pretty! I don't know if I can wait the few remaining hours to watch this show . . .

Oh, and for all you writers blog nerds, I never post comments on the Grey's Writers blog (link in sidebar), but I did in response to this episode:
You just can't kill Mer. You just can't. I have talked this over with my Grey's stalking friends and we all agree it would make us want to boycott the show. You just can't kill her *insert begging and whining here*

I just love how this episode was shot. I love all the mystery -- the long pauses, before commercial breaks, everything. Very well done.

You JUST CANNOT KILL MER!!!! *crying now* Pretty please with Denny, Dylan, McDreamy, and McSteamy on top -- Please don't kill her!


Nancy said…
I LOVE Grey's!!! What an awesome show!!

Do you know about the Writer's Blog??
Barb said…
I'm almost afraid to watch tonight's show!!! But it will be recording on dvr so I can watch when everyone else goes to bed. I don't want to cry tonight... no way!!!
Anonymous said…
You sound like my daughter...she went on for half an hour about Meridith drowning. I don't watch Grey's but after listening to her go on & on I feel I watched the show. You are too funny! Oh by the way your card is darling, love how bright it is.
Tracey said…
I love Grey's too! Thanks for pointing me to the writer's blog. It's fun to know the stories and get insights into characters and such. So are you "happy" with who died? I almost cried with Denny and Izzy, the look on his face the first time... wow! He's such a good actor.
Anonymous said…
a friend of mine got me to start watching the show a few months ago-now I am really hooked! The same thing happened with "24"! I don't watch alot of TV exactly for this reason! This was an awesome episode..they have some screen writers!

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