You know the kind that leave you so tired and like you are just barely hanging in there. I am just not sleeping well at night at all, who knew a big tummy would get in the way so much? Thank goodness Private Practice and Dirty Sexy Money are not on this week. I need the rest. I have been having weird episodes of seeing spots. It has only happened twice and is remedied by resting. I think my body is trying to tell me to slow down, I just wish my body realized that it is only a month till my new little guy will be here. I have definitely reached the nesting phase of this pregnancy, I feel the need to organize and clean everything. First it started with the last couple boxes that were lingering in my bedroom that had not been unpacked, then I started to organize our under the stairs closet (still in progress) and my stamp studio (still in progress) and at the end of the day everyday, I am just pooped. Even though the office is not clean yet though, I decided today would be a fun ...