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Showing posts from April, 2012

Firebird Raceway Monster Trucks/SeaLife Aquarium

I heard that Monster Trucks were coming to Firebird Raceway, and since we moved approximately a five minute drive from there, I thought it would be a blast for the older two kids.  So, we decided to divide and conquer, and I took the smaller two to the SeaLife Aquarium while Michael took E and J.  Mic learned that when the camera asks if you want to delete all frames, the answer is no, but he managed to take a bunch more pictures after he deleted the whole first bunch.  They had a blast.  They especially enjoyed the robosaurus.  They loved that it ate a car.                 The littles and I had a great time at the aquarium.  We enjoyed watching the porcupine fish and we got to see the sea turtle. E touching some sea life   The littles love this round room where the fish swim around you E got a good look at the eel who came out to visit   Both of my little sweet babies fell asleep on the way home . . .

As You Wish

After the morning out about and playing, the little ones were tired, so I took the older two to As You Wish for the first time ever!  In high school and in college I took pottery classes.  I really do enjoy the whole process, so I knew they would love painting the pottery.  J chose a monster piggy bank and E got a peace sign jewelry box.  They both cannot wait to get the back after they have been in the kiln and it was a peaceful way to spend the afternoon.  I love my kids! Having fun drying the layers, and each other . . . 

Easter Spring Fling

So we woke up and got ready, but I did not anticipate how crazy the parking would be and so we missed the parade in Ahwatukee, but we did go play in the park for a bit (it was really sunny and hot though) and managed to get a picture with the fab four in their Easter finery so I am going to call it a good morning.         The color is bad on this because it is a scan of the actual picture, but AW!!!

Our Family's First Bowling Outing

The reason we have never gone bowling is because it is really hard to corral 4 kids anywhere -- but the bowling alley has always made me nervous.  There are too many ways for them to get injured...but I put aside my paranoia and fed the littles lots of skittles, soda and french fries and even then it was challenging, but we managed to get in a whole game of bowling.  It was fun to see my competitive kids battle to have the best score!  It was a good time.  The awesome people running the place gave us a coupon too, so for the one game and shoe rentals for 4, it was only $20!  Love that!      

AZ Science Center

We took the kiddies on an adventure to visit the science center.  Our annual passes will soon expire, so we decided to see what was new.  The kids had a ton of fun playing in the water area.  We usually don't go in there because I don't want them soaked while we play in the rest of the science center, but they did fine.  Em and J also enjoyed learning about strawberry DNA.  It was a really cool demonstration.  A good day out for all of us . . . and the kids enjoyed having daddy with them.   E and J participating and playing with strawberry DNA The stomach slide is always a hit with the kids -- they love when it burps  J and E making smoke circles Dad takes a turn with M Playing outside at the water play area Everyone loved the tornado and kept throwing balls in over and over Even dad got in on the action...