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Showing posts from August, 2008

Gift for Baby Isabella

Recently, my SIL gave birth to her eighth and final child . . . she had a girl and named her Isabella. I felt like I wanted to send her something, but what do you give the mom who has everything she needs for baby? I thought about diapers, but this caught my eye on a couple blog sites ( MaryJo and Lauren M ) I saw and I felt inspired to make my own. Babies go through onesies so often, I figured she could always use some. I thought also for sure I had some tins to make the little carriage, but alas, I apparently have used them all, so I came up with this idea because I had these cute little plant pots from IKEA hanging around on my desk. I think it worked out perfectly!!! What do you think? Hope she likes it!!! Stamps: Baby Moose (Hanna Stamps) Paper: DCWV Pale Pinkish Purple, Neenah Solar White Ink: Onyx Black Versafine Accessories: Pink Twill (thanks Jody), Pale pink flowers (Michaels wedding section), Prima Flowers, pink buttons (SU), swarovski crystals, gem brads

MOJO MONDAY - Challenge #50

I snuck in a little stamping time yesterday before the ultrasound, and managed to play around with my copics some more (I think my coloring is really starting to improve) and some new stamps that I picked up at JoAnn's the other day in their $1 clear stamps section. I thought they were awesome because they came with a sentiment and an image that went with them. This is a just because card for a friend. This would be super cute to give with a cello bag with some cookies in it, topped with the matching two scoops paper. The layout is from Poetic Artistry Mojo50 sketch, and sorry it is a little more yellow than it is in real life, I will try to rephotograph sometime. Stamps : $1 Bin - JoAnn's Paper : SU Barely Banana, Pretty in Pink, Wild Wasabi, Not Quite Navy, Neenah Solar White, Basic Grey - Two Scoops Ink : Onxy Black Versafine Accessories: White Polka Dot Satin Ribbon, Paper Piercing Tool, White Gelly Roll Pen, Sewing machine, white thread, copic markers, colorless


Here are some shots of our little guy in my belly from the ultrasound today:

HSC32 - 3D Item Challenge . . . Motorcycle Ride Journal

I love my SCS buddies! I get so inspired by them SO often! Seriously, you could not have a better set of friends. This time it was my friend Cyndi who inspired me. I created this project with her in mind and then promptly sent it off to her. I really hope she likes it. Cyndi goes on long motorcycle rides with her hubby and I thought that this would be the perfect way to keep track of places they had been together -- the book is about 6x6 I think (if I remember right) and you could easily put pictures inside on the white pages, with journaling beside it. I used the set Route 66 by Hanna Stamps, and created this for Vicki's challenge to make a 3D project. The image was colored with prismacolor pencils and Copic markers. The heading was made using my SU punch, and some white letter stickers that I had on hand in my drawer of wonders -- aka, stuff I have bought and never used on a project, but I had to have. LMBO! Stamps : Route 66 (Hanna Stamps), Motorcycle Tracks (Unknown)

I'm BACK! Disneyland Triple Slide Show

We had such a great vacation! M took an extra day off this time, so we had both Friday and Monday and it just made the trip so much more relaxed. We took it slow and easy since I am pregnant (usually we push ourselves and do like 12+ hour days at Disneyland). I apologize in advance for the marathon length post you are about to stumble into . . . FRIDAY We drove to Anaheim, arrived around 2 pm. Had a quick lunch at El Pollo Loco (aren't we classy?) and then checked in to the hotel. We relaxed for a half hour or so and then headed off to California Adventure. We headed over to Soarin' Over California, to check if J was tall enough and we discovered he was! What a happy surprise. It opened up all sorts of new options for us since he had FINALLY reached 40 inches. We got a fast pass for that ride, and then headed over to the Jumping Jellyfish. J had never been able to go on it before and was super excited. It was fun. After that, it was time for the Pixar Play Parade an

Disneyland Again . . . and HSC31 - My First Hanna

Today for the challenge on the Hanna Stamps forum at SCS, Candice challenged us to use our first Hanna set we got. For me, it was "But I Need It" -- no surprise there eh? LOL! I seriously LOVE buying stamps!!! It is an addiction. They are just SO fun to play with! But you are here reading this blog, so I am SURE you already know!!! *giggles* Hope you will get some time today to dig out your first Hanna and create! What? You don't have a first Hanna -- well there has never been a better time to own one . . . browse on over to Hanna Stamps and get your collection started!!! This card is a little bit loud and busy, even for me -- but I still think it works somehow. I experimented some more with the coloring on the image using copics, this time using a plastic palette and the colorless blender to pick up the color and feather it across the image in layers. I was really pleased with the result of this because it felt just like watercoloring with my aquapainter a

It's the Little Things . . .

So I noticed one of my friends at church had a birthday this week, and I decided to take her a little treat! We are not super close buddies, but just have met and interacted a few times, so I thought it would be a nice surprise. Plus, who doesn't love a little attention on their birthday??? Anyway, I saw Jody's tutorial on how to make a Boxy Bag on her site, and thought I would try it out. It was SUPER simple and the results are cute!! I took it to my friends door yesterday afternoon and she was shocked and I think she liked it. It wasn't much, but it just had some lifesavers and a lemonade flavored lip smackers in it -- but you know, it is the thought that counts -- the little things! I wished her a Happy Birthday, told her to have a good day and I was off to continue my errands, run to the post office, etc. Weird note on karma -- M would say it is all a bunch of baloney, but when I got to the post office, there was NO-ONE in line at all, I just walked up -- and whe

Christmas Creations . . . Springtime Hanna?

So I had a realization last week . . . I am due to have my baby boy Dec 15th, which gives me exactly 4 months before I need to be completely and totally prepared for Christmas because I will have a newborn in the house and I know I won't be getting anything done after that. Scary, because that is a short deadline. EEEK! Anyway, I decided to start working on some Christmas Projects and I came up with this card using the Springtime Hanna in a different way. I am still learning on the copics -- I feel like this one just looks colored in so to speak, like any markers could have done it . . . but I shall keep trying! For this card, a trip down memory lane . . . I was recalling my childhood days, when my mom and grandma would dress me up all pretty for church in December, and how it was a big deal every year to get our Christmas dresses. I thought Hanna would look gorgeous in a Christmas dress!!! It just sort of clicked as I was looking through my Hanna sets, and thus, this creatio

HSC30 - A Sketch and Halloween Challenge

Okay, I admit it, my card sort of stretches the Halloween theme, but technically this scarecrow does come in the Hanna Stamps Trick or Treat set AND he is kinda scary right? Hehehe! I just loved this sketch (I turned it to fit Mr. Scarecrow) and had much fun creating this card!!! I was playing with my copic markers again, and in this case, I don't think I did too great on the coloring, but I did learn some things about using the colorless blender, so it was not all a waste! Anyway, hope you like this card! Happy Friday -- now go play the challenge!!! Stamps : Hanna Stamps Trick or Treat Paper : Old Olive, Cranberry Crisp, Whisper White, Melissa Frances - Wesley, Mustard Moon - Green Floral, Daisy Bucket - Astor Park Collection {Clay Street - reverse side} Ink : Onyx Black Versafine Accessories: Clear EP, Copic Markers, Sewing Machine, white thread, SU oval punches, brown rick rack, creamy caramel buttons

SC189 - Autumn Pumpkin Riley Moose

Autumn is coming . . . at least I hope Autumn is on the way! I am done with the hot summer temperatures here in the desert and I am looking forward to some cooler weather and most especially to Halloween. I made this card for the sketch challenge on SCS yesterday (SC189). I added a layer for my image, rather than making my image be on the main panel, I think it looks better like this. I tried the other way, but none of my images worked quite the way I wanted it to look. This is my second attempt at coloring with the Copics. Please be patient with me as I learn. I used a marker to marker technique , which you can read about if you click on those words. The finished look reminds me a lot of the look you get with prismacolor pencils and odorless mineral spirits. It is a little softer, a little less bold. I think it worked well on Riley since he is so dark. Can you believe it? I have decided already that I need more browns to work with. I colored the prima leaves and one of the

COPICs, The Learning Curve, and Booty Bella

Guess what came in my mail yesterday? Yep, you guessed it, my COPIC CIAO markers that I ordered from Hanna Stamps. I ordered one of each of the 5 sets she has. I really loved how they were organized seasonally! FUN! So I immediately began to color . . . and I was surprised by how much of a learning curve they have, I mean, I had heard that they did take some learning, but WOW! I threw out at least a full page of images that did not look right when I colored a spot on them, so I tried again. But, I am proud to say, I finally managed to get an image to look decent enough for it to adorn a card. YAY! This is the stamp I refer to as Booty Bella and it was the first time I managed to get her inky! Here are the sites that helped me to figure out coloring with these babies: and Without those two sites, I would never have figured it all out. Ellen's site had great tips on how to color with the markers as well as a

Pound Cake & Verve Stamps

It's time for a yummy and super indulgent recipe and a card! Sorry I totally disappeared this past weekend, I just kind of needed some "me" time, so I took it. M and I have been watching the Olympics like addicts. We start watching and then just can't stop. We found ourselves up at 12:30 in the morning watching swimming and such . . . you totally lose track of time. Thanks to all of you who participated in my sketch challenge in the Hanna Forum on Friday. It was fun! There is still time if you have not finished your card -- so upload away and lets see what you can make. This card uses a new set I purchased called "Feeling Groovy" from Verve Stamps. For the most part, it is a sentiment stamp set, but it has two flowers, one of which I used on this card. I found that last time I did a verve sketch, I used non verve stamps, and apparently that was not cool because not too many people commented on it. I colored the flowers in using my aquapainter brush

HSC29 - A Hanna Stamps Sketch Challenge

Today I am in charge of posting the Hanna Stamps Challenge in the forum on SCS. I decided to post a simple sketch that you can dress up really easily. You can add layers and make it really snazzy! Sketch was inspired by this card (I found it a long long time ago on SCS). Here is the sketch and my card! Stamps : Riley Surf (Hanna Stamps), Things Riley Would Say (Hanna Stamps) Paper : Prism Vibrant Teal, Prism Papaya Puree Dark, Prism Nautical Blue Dark, SU Whisper White, Arctic Frog 209 - Teeny Polka Dot Bikini: By the Sea Ink : Onyx Black Versafine Accessories: Thin Stitched Orange ribbon, SU 1 1/4 and 1 3/8 inch square punches, Prismacolor pencils, sansodor, blending stumps, sewing machine, white thread, waterfall stickles. Anyway, hope you get some time to play and upload your creation . . . when you do, remember to use keyword: HSC29 and that will make it easier for everyone to find it and leave you lots of comments!! Happy Friday! Have fun stamping *smiles*

Long Awaited U/S Photos

Good morning. I had the weirdest thing happen last night, I woke up with a leg cramp -- that is the first time that has ever happened to me during pregnancy and it was intense, quite a shock. Apparently this pregnancy comes with all the bells and whistles and I was really missing out on all the fun with my other two. Anyway, I slept like a baby until then, so I am in a great mood today! YAY! My scanner has been giving me problems for awhile (I need to get my hubby to fix it) and I decided to take matters into my own hands and go to Kinko's yesterday to scan the ultrasound pictures. I have a couple from my first ultrasound (7 weeks) and a couple (not very clear) ones from my second one at 20 weeks (you all know how little water I had had and how that afternoon went so that explains that). (8w1d) (19w4d) This one shows his boy parts (above) ---------- This one looks really smooshed (above) This one is the 4D Technology -

HANNA STAMPS: Baseball Mini Set

So I made this card a long time ago using a sketch from Poetic Artistry and wouldn't you know it, I totally forgot to upload it to my gallery and blog. Silly me! Anyway, thought I would share it with you now. The baseballs are done with little buttons with the shanks cut off. Sentiment was made using Karen Foster Design Snap Stamps - Small Casual. Hope you like it! Happy Wednesday! I have almost made it to 500 posts on this blog, so I thought I would do a giveaway when I reach that goal, so stay tuned for blog candy (it has been a long time . . . ) Stamps : Baseball Mini (Hanna Stamps), Karen Foster Snap Stamps - Small Casual Paper : Real Red, Whisper White, Chocolate Chip Ink : Onyx Black Versafine, Timber Brown Staz On, SU chocolate chip Accessories : Baseball buttons (, Prismacolor pencils, blending stumps, sansodor, sponges, SU slit punch, SU word window punch, Corner Punch, brown polka dotted organdy, paper piercing tool, white Inkssentials Ge

Verve Sketches

So I am in love with all the Verve Stamps sketches that they have been posting for their anni-verve-sary celebration. I think sketches are my favorite type of challenge anyway (with color and inspiration as a close second), but Julee is a total layers girl and her sketches show that and are SUPER fun to work with. I loved how the two sketches I chose today had a triangle pointing inward to the image, that is something I never would have thought to put on there, but that works and looks pretty cool! I still don't have a lot of Verve stamps, mostly sentiments, but I decided to play along using some other images that I had pre-stamped and/or pre-colored lying around. It was fun! My desk did not even get that messy! YAY! Anyway, hope you like what I did! Happy Tuesday! AVS04 - Riley Moosemas! Stamps : Christmas Tree Riley (Hanna Stamps), Things Riley Would Say (Hanna Stamps) Paper : Real Red, Paper Salon Ornamental Holiday: Green Stars, American Crafts - The Goods: Wrappin

It Happened Again . . .

someone spewed stamp stuff all over my desk . . . I promise to post again as soon as I can get myself dug out. Does this ever happen to you???? We'll call it "creative chaos." Be back when I escape from the mountain of clutter!! Hopefully I can stamp something fun a little later this afternoon!!! (note my new Verve stamps there, waiting for me to play with them -- I got them yesterday.)

Freaky Monday - Birthday Designer Bag

Okay, I know you have all heard of Freaky Friday, but today is freaky Monday for me. Seriously!! EEK! It all started when I woke up early to create a little treat bag for my friend who had a birthday yesterday. She was driving home with her kids yesterday, and I knew I would see her today (I am babysitting her kids all this week), so I wanted to have something for her today. I saw these cutest little bags on Cami's blog, and so I made one for her. I needed to run to the store to fill it with some chocolate (I had lip gloss, and gum already in it), so I ran out the door. I am a confessed arachnophobiac (is that a word) - ew I hate spiders. When I was outside locking up, there was a HUGE spider on my wall of my house (ironic since the bug sprayer guys were here just last week). When I say huge, I mean HUGE! I live in the desert and this thing was brown, hairy and his butt part was like dime sized huge. EW! Anyway, I decided I needed to "take care of it" so I ran